Friday, August 21, 2009

I told you I'd be back.

My mom always says around 11PM, after she's taken out the dog, and my sister is long asleep, that its time to "shut down" the house, turn off the lights and TV, close her computer, etc. When she said it tonight, I just thought of the irony. I mean, she normally falls asleep around 12, after watching a bit of Conan- I, personally like his monologues the best (he does a FUNNY impression of Harry Potter fans). But then, I sit alone on my bed, and the world seems to get brighter and more intense. The websites move faster (Im not sure why- my brain moves slower?) and there's so much more to do at night. Im THE night owl of my friends and family. I study a lot at night. Things such as tips to live in NYC, what its like living in London, planning my travels to Europe, it all happens at night. I love to plan, and the only time I really have to myself, sans Mother or Sister or work, is at night. :)

So yea, I love the night. Its my FAVORITE time at night, 1-4AM, best hours in the day.

And so, I SWEAR, all my posts will be shorter than my first one (Lol, Brad. xP) Maybe a little longer than this one, we'll see. The future, is unknown.... 

And so, Im off to watch Friends and get geared up for tomorrow (later today).


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