Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dum da dum dum, dum da dum dum.

Just finished watching 'I Love You, Man' with Meredith. And now, we are talking about getting married. Because, what else do two 15 year olds on a Saturday night do? 

Meredith, who has a boyfriend of 8 months, has already decided: the color of her bridesmaids' dresses, the fact that her party is going to be huge, and, exactly what her dress is going to look like.

Amanda, knows WHO shes marrying.

Me? I dont even KNOW if I'll get married. 

Hell, I dont even know if I'll be on this continent in five years. 

I don't understand how girls can have their perfect wedding since they were like, 5. When I was 5, we didn't have iPods. That shows you how much things change. 

And the big deal people make out of weddings? 
Just pull a fucking Britney Spears, and Ross & Rachel (from 'Friends') and get married by Elvis in Las Vegas. 

(*Note: when I get married, it will be huge.)

Also, I know that if I do get married, my parents will not be there. I couldn't stand to look at my mothers smirking face, or my fathers.... face. Just, I want to be completely alone on my wedding day, sans all my family. But of the flip side, I still want to be tied to my family, via my last night. Like, I don't know if I could let go of my last night, with me and my sister, our last name dies, as it did with my mother and her sister. So, I may take the hyphened name, because I do still believe in taking your husbands name, because it makes you connected to him.

Marriage gets me riled up, and sometimes, most times, not for the good. 

At the end of the day, I think I just want a stead-fast boyfriend. I'll just start out with that. 

And even with this said boyfriend, he's not coming for another two years. I refuse to date any one in my high school- they're either jerks, douche bags, or I'm simply not interested in them. And yes, the rest? I've given up.

Me and Mer

Friday, August 21, 2009

I told you I'd be back.

My mom always says around 11PM, after she's taken out the dog, and my sister is long asleep, that its time to "shut down" the house, turn off the lights and TV, close her computer, etc. When she said it tonight, I just thought of the irony. I mean, she normally falls asleep around 12, after watching a bit of Conan- I, personally like his monologues the best (he does a FUNNY impression of Harry Potter fans). But then, I sit alone on my bed, and the world seems to get brighter and more intense. The websites move faster (Im not sure why- my brain moves slower?) and there's so much more to do at night. Im THE night owl of my friends and family. I study a lot at night. Things such as tips to live in NYC, what its like living in London, planning my travels to Europe, it all happens at night. I love to plan, and the only time I really have to myself, sans Mother or Sister or work, is at night. :)

So yea, I love the night. Its my FAVORITE time at night, 1-4AM, best hours in the day.

And so, I SWEAR, all my posts will be shorter than my first one (Lol, Brad. xP) Maybe a little longer than this one, we'll see. The future, is unknown.... 

And so, Im off to watch Friends and get geared up for tomorrow (later today).


Wit? Whats that?

Wit is a dead language, that is what it is. My friends, I'm afraid that along with the Alex Carpenter Fangirl [shameless plug for the Facebook group, The Alex Carpenter Awareness Foundation] wit and sarcasm isn't appreciated as much as it should be. Sure, you've got those teenagers, such as myself, who love to torture friend and foe alike with the deadpanned "yes" when, obviously, the answer is no (Ive had all too many real life experiences like this, when you have the friends I do- but couldn't think of any to write as an example). But really, I feel like it's a lost cause for anyone older that 27. My 25 year old cousin, sharp as a knife with the snappy comebacks, my 32 year old second cousins, once removed? Just kind of give me that "you're a kid, now STFU and act like an adult."
I feel bad cursing on here- can I even do that? Like, STFU, it means Shut the Fuck Up. And really, sometimes, it means Shut the Fuck Up! 
But anyway, wit is highly under-appreciated - is that an oxymoron? Highly/under.  These are the questions I ponder.
No, really, I do have some pretty profound thoughts. None of which will be shared on here in the near future, pssh, you people cant HANDLE my thoughts. No, this blog is to tell you things like No, KC in my URL for this site is a nod to KC & The Sunshine Band, its a nod to my names. Names, thats right, plural, you heard me. But thats for another blog. Or book. On the topic of books, REAL quick: another plug, for my best friends cousin's book. It comes out Aug. 25th, and it looks super good, check it out here.
Can I just point out- Jason Mraz uses Blogspot? People like Meredith and Noam might know that... others, wouldn't and therefore, wouldn't care. But there ARE people with their own websites- whether its using a free site builder- like Amanda (  ) or Nick, who uses his amazing computer-skillz to build his own flash site, which he is currently revamping. 
So, to conclude, I dont really know how to conclude. What a crappy ending, eh? To really, a not so interesting blog. Lets see if I can redeem myself with the second part of this entry.

How about, I explain my little game I got to play with my computer last night - half asleep, trying to download some new music. Now, I use LimeWire, not entirely proud of it, but downloading music is a sickness for me and I have no income to support it, so, while my MOTHERS card is hooked up to my iTunes, it'll have to do for the bulk of my needs. Anyways, when that application is opened on my computer, all others must be closed. Then, things will unexpectedly quit, LimeWire will NEVER load or open, and all hell will break loose. Anyways, feeling confident about my newly acquired 18GB of space on my computer, I had Safari, iChat, iTunes, Stickies AND opened LimeWire. 
Well, first, my Safari shut. Not totally surprising, considering it was practically begging me to quit it long ago, I never fully shut down my computer and try to avoid it when I can, so I never give it a rest. Not a good habit, shut up, I know. I accepted that it closed, and moved onto making sure LimeWire loaded good and fine (Amanda- correct grammar?). Once I saw it had, I delve right into the long list of music I need to get that was listed on a blue Sticky. Now super long, well over 30 or so songs, I took the most recently added to the list, and started downloading. I have 5 songs in downloading mode at all times. Once one finishes, I have another one start up. Now, if you're wondering what I was downloading, much of it was The Maine off their new album, Can't Stop Won't Stop. Or The Cab. 
Might I mention, this was around 1AM, and I was so tired. But at the same time, perfectly content with my world. You'll probably get another blog post out of me around 1 or 2AM tonight, I love writing late at night. 
So, after about a hour, I finally got all the music downloaded an on my iTunes Library - and, naturally, I had to fill in all the info of Album, Artist, Genre, because I would not be able to sleep without knowing that was all filled out. :) And even though I was dying to just, sleep, I had to reopen Safari. Then I went to bed.
Best story EVER, no?

But if I had to/ want to, offer music to share to you tonight, it would be Vegas Skies by The Cab or Breakeven by The Script. OR OR ORRRRR, Words Meet Heartbeats by Parachute. 

Hm, maybe Ill always recommend music at the end of every blog post. (Which- I swear, wont be as boring as that just was, we'll chalk this up to be a trial run post). Like, Smart Mouths (podcast- GO LISTEN TO IT) does, but only, with music. 

Ok, off to go on other websites and see what is happening in the world. 
Bye all!