Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dum da dum dum, dum da dum dum.

Just finished watching 'I Love You, Man' with Meredith. And now, we are talking about getting married. Because, what else do two 15 year olds on a Saturday night do? 

Meredith, who has a boyfriend of 8 months, has already decided: the color of her bridesmaids' dresses, the fact that her party is going to be huge, and, exactly what her dress is going to look like.

Amanda, knows WHO shes marrying.

Me? I dont even KNOW if I'll get married. 

Hell, I dont even know if I'll be on this continent in five years. 

I don't understand how girls can have their perfect wedding since they were like, 5. When I was 5, we didn't have iPods. That shows you how much things change. 

And the big deal people make out of weddings? 
Just pull a fucking Britney Spears, and Ross & Rachel (from 'Friends') and get married by Elvis in Las Vegas. 

(*Note: when I get married, it will be huge.)

Also, I know that if I do get married, my parents will not be there. I couldn't stand to look at my mothers smirking face, or my fathers.... face. Just, I want to be completely alone on my wedding day, sans all my family. But of the flip side, I still want to be tied to my family, via my last night. Like, I don't know if I could let go of my last night, with me and my sister, our last name dies, as it did with my mother and her sister. So, I may take the hyphened name, because I do still believe in taking your husbands name, because it makes you connected to him.

Marriage gets me riled up, and sometimes, most times, not for the good. 

At the end of the day, I think I just want a stead-fast boyfriend. I'll just start out with that. 

And even with this said boyfriend, he's not coming for another two years. I refuse to date any one in my high school- they're either jerks, douche bags, or I'm simply not interested in them. And yes, the rest? I've given up.

Me and Mer

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